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My end-to-end design process

1. Research & Define🔎

So to help solving a problem business is facing, I start with a holistic understanding of your product, market, and users and define the existing issues. At this phase all the necessary research, discovery, and analysis is conducted.

2. Plan, Structure & Strategize🧬

The next step is planning out and structuring possible solutions to the defined problems. 

3. Conceptualize✍️

Then I conceptualize the solutions and shape them into deliverables that are used to conduct research validation. This round might also include iterations based on user testing.

4. Design🎨

This s where the design phase starts. High-fidelity pixel-perfect screens aren created and animated. Interactive, fully-functioning click-through prototypes are made. 

5. Analyze🧐

The last step is to conduct one more round of research & testing of the prototype and analyze new data. Depending on the research results, necessary changes to the design are made at this phase.

About me

I’m a Independent UI/UX & Product Designer bringing start-ups to the next level by creating pixel-perfect mobile & web applications and websites. I focus on financial goals, technical constraints, and research-based decisions to create functional, flexible, and scalable digital solutions for businesses.

My design process of digital experiences is end-to-end and involves a holistic understanding of the product, the market, and the users. I offer help with product strategy (e.g., monetization strategy, acquisition, KPIs), user experience design, user research, interaction design, user interface design, prototyping, information architecture, and design planning.

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